Saturday, October 17, 2015


Draw Up A Detailed Plan. Your Vision Is Your Future. The Bible is God’s written List of Goals. He wrote down what He wanted to happen. It may be difficult for you to transfer your thoughts on paper, but do it. Something wonderful starts happening when you actually see a blueprint of your future.
“Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it,” (Habakkuk 2:2). 
“Where there is no vision, the people perish,” (Proverbs 29:18).

My Dear Friend...
    Wisdom Determines The Success of Your Life.
    That is why the diligent pursuit of Wisdom is so important to your Success.
    A Few Years Ago, God Revealed To Me An Explosive Concept Regarding Self-Confidence. You Will Never Outperform The Self-Portrait You Have of Yourself. Moses sent 12 spies, or scouts, to review the land before entering. When they came back, their reports were contradictory. Ten had evil reports, two had goodreports. Ten were giant-conscious. Two were God-conscious. Ten could not see beyond the giants, so they embraced the “Grasshopper Mentality” and never entered the land God promised them. They ignored the Wisdom of God and forfeited their opportunity for Success. Your Self-Portrait Determines Your Self-Conduct.
    Words Are So Crucial To Our Attitude. Our conversation reveals whether we see ourselves as a winner or a loser. Losers focus on their problems. Losers discuss their obstacles. Losers focus on their enemies’ achievements. Losers adopt a victim mentality. Winners focus on possibilities. Winners embrace opportunities.Winners pursue Miracles. Winners have a Sonship mentality. Winners Are Simply Ex-Losers Who Got Mad.
    Many years ago I sobbed before God. My heart was breaking for something I had lost in my life. Suddenly, The Holy Spirit spoke. “Forget what you have lost. Focus on what you already possess.” Something ignited within me.
    Sometimes We Have To Reach For The Seemingly Impossible. There may be seasons in your life when you will have to step out in faith toward your Future and embrace the opportunities in front of you. Other times, you may simply need to create an Atmosphere of Gratitude for what is in your Present. Moses was waiting for something sensational to happen...something extraordinary, but God asked him,“What is that in your hand?” “A crooked, wooden stick,” said Moses. “Then use it,” God said.
    Canaan Is Really A Symbol of Your Dreams, Your Goals, Your Places of Victories. Canaan is “Success Territory.” Every man should have goals of some sort. God intended for you to have them. Abraham had a dream…Isaac. Joseph had a dream…Prime Minister. Solomon had a dream…The Temple. The Israelites had a dream...Canaan.
    God Will Birth An Invisible Picture of Your Future. That “Uncommon Dream” will be something you can do, something you can become or something you canhave. God uses this Uncommon Dream to provide focus, progression and enthusiasm. Satan will develop a strategy to cloud this picture and paralyze this Uncommon Dream. You must recognize The Dream that God uses to stir hope, inspire direction and make you a blessing to others. The Goal of An Enemy Is ToStain Your Self-Portrait. Your Self-Portrait Determines The Kind of Enemy You Are Willing To Confront.
    I Would Love To Hear From You Today...would you email me and share the small things you are I can personally pray for you?

Looking For Your Email Every Day,

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