Monday, October 12, 2015

dr. mike murdock

My Dear Friend... It’s Time To Push The Limits..! ...of your Personal Transformation toward: Favor...Promotion...Spiritual Empower-ment...Financial Harvest. Let today be the most significant turning-point in your entire life. God Wants To Multiply You Exceedingly In Every Area of Your Life. God wants you to live the Uncommon Life and that life comes when you set your faith to reach for 1,000 times more. I learned this principle from my dear friend and mentor, Dr. Oral Roberts. I once heard Dr. Roberts preach from a text I had passed over numerous times, “The Lord God of your fathers make you a thousand times so many more as ye are, and bless you, as He hath promised you!” (Deuteronomy 1:11). As he spoke that day, my heart overflowed with the Golden Memories of God’s goodness to me: He Is The Miracle God. He Is The Magnificent Provider. He Is The Heavenly Father Who Truly Cares For Us. He Pursues Our Good. He Schedules Our Miracles. He Delights In Every Moment of Uncommon Faith. He Wants Us To Increase.

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