Saturday, November 29, 2014
Friday, November 28, 2014
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Sunday, Nov. 2, 2014
We Pride Ourselves in Being Logical
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1
I find it so interesting what we will and won’t allow ourselves to believe. We know that light travels 186,000 miles a second, even though we’ve personally never measured it. A scientist can tell us that there 100 trillion stars in the sky, and we accept it without question. We accept as absolute fact that an atom has neutrons and electrons spinning around a nucleus, even though we have never seen any of them. We agree that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address, and that E does, in fact, equal MC2. We pride ourselves in being logical creatures who demand proof before believing most things. How is it, then, that we accept all these things I mentioned as facts, without ever demanding the proof of their authenticity?
And why is it that so many of us will reject Jesus – risking our eternal souls, even when presented with solid proof? What proof, you may ask? The witness of thousands of people who saw the miracles of Jesus! Testimonies from dozens who witnessed His death, then saw Him alive after His resurrection. And what about the fulfillment of prophecies concerning Jesus? Even after being shown so much solid evidence, many enlightened people reject Jesus as “just some myth for the gullible.” In fact, the divinity of Jesus is just about the only thing people refuse to accept, even when evidence is overwhelming. Tell me, where is the logic in that? Logic goes out the window when people talk about Jesus, because that’s when it’s all about faith.
What about you? Are you willing to accept the truth of Jesus on faith? In fact, it’s the ONLY way you can accept Him. So, go ahead, take that leap of faith. Once you do, your life will be changed forever
We Pride Ourselves in Being Logical
"Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1
I find it so interesting what we will and won’t allow ourselves to believe. We know that light travels 186,000 miles a second, even though we’ve personally never measured it. A scientist can tell us that there 100 trillion stars in the sky, and we accept it without question. We accept as absolute fact that an atom has neutrons and electrons spinning around a nucleus, even though we have never seen any of them. We agree that Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg Address, and that E does, in fact, equal MC2. We pride ourselves in being logical creatures who demand proof before believing most things. How is it, then, that we accept all these things I mentioned as facts, without ever demanding the proof of their authenticity?
And why is it that so many of us will reject Jesus – risking our eternal souls, even when presented with solid proof? What proof, you may ask? The witness of thousands of people who saw the miracles of Jesus! Testimonies from dozens who witnessed His death, then saw Him alive after His resurrection. And what about the fulfillment of prophecies concerning Jesus? Even after being shown so much solid evidence, many enlightened people reject Jesus as “just some myth for the gullible.” In fact, the divinity of Jesus is just about the only thing people refuse to accept, even when evidence is overwhelming. Tell me, where is the logic in that? Logic goes out the window when people talk about Jesus, because that’s when it’s all about faith.
What about you? Are you willing to accept the truth of Jesus on faith? In fact, it’s the ONLY way you can accept Him. So, go ahead, take that leap of faith. Once you do, your life will be changed forever
Wednesday, Oct. 29, 2014
A Good Budget to Follow
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Luke 12:34
What does Jesus say about money? Did you know there are over 800 Scriptures about it? Jesus says we have to choose between God and money. What? Well, He teaches us money management! He helps us master our money, rather than letting money master us, and He does it through these principles:
Spend less than you earn. Know where you stand with what you have and where you spend it.
Develop a budget plan. A good budget has five key considerations:
Giving to God. Begin here. Giving first shows you trust Him and not money.
Savings and Investments. This helps with short-term surprises and long-term needs.
Taxes. God’s Word tells us to pay what we owe.
Fixed Expenses. This includes things like mortgage, utilities, cars, etc.
Discretionary Spending. This includes entertainment, clothes, furniture, etc.
God’s ways for money management. They work.
A Good Budget to Follow
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." - Luke 12:34
What does Jesus say about money? Did you know there are over 800 Scriptures about it? Jesus says we have to choose between God and money. What? Well, He teaches us money management! He helps us master our money, rather than letting money master us, and He does it through these principles:
Spend less than you earn. Know where you stand with what you have and where you spend it.
Develop a budget plan. A good budget has five key considerations:
Giving to God. Begin here. Giving first shows you trust Him and not money.
Savings and Investments. This helps with short-term surprises and long-term needs.
Taxes. God’s Word tells us to pay what we owe.
Fixed Expenses. This includes things like mortgage, utilities, cars, etc.
Discretionary Spending. This includes entertainment, clothes, furniture, etc.
God’s ways for money management. They work.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
self-esteem byitakeoffdmask
This article should have been titled “How To Increase Your Self-Esteem”, but I decided that instead of merely INCREASING one’s self-esteem, one should HEAL it completely in such a way as to forever cast away one’s futile efforts of increasing something that can never really be increased enough as to satisfy our wants.
To say that our self-esteem is low is to compare it to something higher. But to be able to attain that higher degree could only mean that there is still something beyond that. How high is high enough? How much increase is really necessary? In truth, it is not an increase in self esteem that we should aim for, but a complete healing of our wounded sense of self worth.
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
«prior 2 post
Prenuptial Agreements, (Prenups) are intended to be legal instruments for agreeing on what should be done if and when a marriage ends. But what a prenup means is a totally different matter. It is not what they say, but what they mean that matters. And it’s why these reality checks can rip a hole in the romance of a relationship or at the very least expose hot love to a cold shower.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Nicholas Copernicus
You were the excellent Renaissance mathematician and astronomer who formulated the heliocentric view of the universe. You had a brilliant mind that questioned everything and sought the truth! The world became far more interesting thanks to you.
by Dan Short
There is a type of thinking that is so deeply ingrained within Western culture that it seems the only way to think. In science-based education we are taught to advance toward defined outcomes by means of goal-oriented thinking. This type of thinking is a skill that enables us to improve our circumstances by setting goals, measuring progress and evaluating outcomes.
It is like hiking. After taking a compass reading, you set your sight on a particular destination, such as a tall mountain, and then continually adjust your course so that you are moving in that direction. In a similar manner, goal-oriented thinking is essentially the use of cognitive maps to target a particular outcome combined with the assumption that this outcome will serve a useful purpose.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Are you in a rut? At work, rework your schedule and rearrange tasks according to priorities. Delegate tasks to those who are willing and able. At home, spice things up with creativity, like rearranging furniture or trying new recipes. Get everyone involved in the new activities. Too much work? Add some fun! Take time to rest and rejuvenate, too. When you return, you are renewed with passion and energy
Sunday, November 9, 2014

Glitter Graphics from
Glitter Graphics from
Friday, November 7, 2014
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
LDR rules
From a Distance: Making a Long-Distance Relationship Work People can’t control who they fall in love with and sometimes, they fall in love with people who live on the opposite side of the world. They end up in long-distance relationships. Love from a distance is no less valid, though it can be difficult to actually maintain a relationship. People have physical needs too. If you’ve decided on committing to a long-term, long-distance relationship, there are a few things you’ll need to know to make it work.
From a Distance: Making a Long-Distance Relationship Work People can’t control who they fall in love with and sometimes, they fall in love with people who live on the opposite side of the world. They end up in long-distance relationships. Love from a distance is no less valid, though it can be difficult to actually maintain a relationship. People have physical needs too. If you’ve decided on committing to a long-term, long-distance relationship, there are a few things you’ll need to know to make it work.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Living in the desert
"...the water I shall give him shall become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life." - John 4:14
If you’ve ever traveled through the desert, you’ll notice mile after mile of dry and barren landscape. Then suddenly, there’s a spot of green, some trees, bushes, and flowering plants. It always means there’s some kind of water source nearby. With water, the desert blossoms and comes to life. It is a beautiful site to behold.
The same is true in our lives. Perhaps you are going through a very difficult time in your life right now where you are being tempted to “feel” like God has let you down – like He can’t be bothered with your heartache — like He has completely forsaken you and you are living in a desert. Without God, we tend to dry up when life gets hard. It saps us of all our energy, creativity and drive. We eventually feel beaten down, worn out, and dried up. But Jesus says, “I am living water; anyone who accepts me will never be thirsty again.” He wasn’t talking about physical thirst. He was talking about satisfying our spiritual thirst so we can blossom and come to life.
What about it? Do you sometimes feel like a dry, dusty shrub in a desert of emptiness? Come to Christ and enjoy a cool drink of water whenever you need it
be free from bondage. Now is the time!
The soul of man is that part which is uniquely him. It is what we think of as the personality of man. The soul is the choices we make when we exercise our will. We learn the nature and character of a person by observing the expression of their soul through both their words and actions. These originate in a person’s soul. The soul must be conditioned daily (see 1 Peter 2:11; 1 Cor 9:27) and compelled to submit to the work of the cross in our lives. The mind is the part of the soul that holds the intellect, or the capacity to know things. The will is the capacity to exercise choice, make decisions, and push one towards self-preservation, and self-control (Acts 3:23 KJV). The emotions are the capacity to feel, or to experience. Desires are in the arena of the soul. The dysfunctional soul is carnal and is ruled by its desires. The Word refers to carnality as everything in man that is NOT under the control or dominion of the Holy Spirit, via your own yielded spirit. The proper soul is a submitted will, intellect and emotional being. Wrong relationships tie people’s lives together through a spiritual hold which can cause emotional and even physical damage. It is an unseen control on a person’s life that can powerfully pull them away from the place of peace that God desires for all of His children. This type of tie is called a soul tie. Let’s go over some signs of an ungodly soul tie: - An ungodly soul tie produces irrational thinking. Irrational means not capable of reasoning, having lost mental clarity, illogical. - An ungodly soul tie causes a person to evaluate themselves and others according to previous context. They can’t see outside of that relationship or mental paradigm. - An ungodly soul tie causes a person to shut down emotionally. - An ungodly soul tie produces an unhealthy, unnatural desire or attraction to people, places and things, even to the person’s detriment. - An ungodly soul tie will cause a lack of judgment and discernment. - An ungodly soul tie produces the inability to establish and maintain proper adult relationships. It is my intent by His will to bring forth the practicalities of personal reformation to free you from what has bound you. Like Lazarus, you can come forth… but still be bound! This is going to be YOUR life long work with the Holy Spirit while you are here on this earth as a believer, but I will by the grace of God equip you with the tools to be free and succeed in all that you reach for! Your Spirit man is transformed when you are born again (this was done by the work of the cross!) but your “soul” can still be bound. When you accepted Christ’s sacrifice for your sins and became a believer, only your spirit became perfectly aligned to the Spirit of God. The human soul is not renewed, saved or set free of it’s wrong patterns of thinking, it’s deception and denial, and it’s agendas because of a spiritual salvation experience. The mind, will and emotions must be continually renewed by the washing of the Word of God and by immersing itself in God’s Word and time in His presence with His Spirit. The soul must choose to surrender itself to the will of God. You can cause your soul to do this. If you would like to surrender to God, pray this prayer with me right now: “Father God, I come to you now with repentance on my lips and in my heart. Please turn my heart away from any idols in my life and turn it towards you. You are the fountain from which all blessings flow and I will praise you, Elohim, as long as I shall live. You are the one true God. You are my deliverer and the opener of my womb. You have healed my barrenness by revealing your Son and your Spirit without which I would be lost in darkness. I pray against any attack of the enemy on my mind. May the works of satan in my life be destroyed by fire. Seal any crack or crevice that gives the enemy entrance to my mind, will or emotions. Use my hands to glorify you and destroy the works of the enemy through your Son, Jesus Christ. Remove anything and anyone from my life that does not align with your divine will for my life and my destiny in you. Grant me the discernment to identify and remove idols from my life. I praise you and thank you for my deliverance. I will glorify you all the days of my life. In the name of Yeshua. Amen.”
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